Switzerland – Idyllic Mountain Landscapes
As Far As The Eye Can See
The origins of all Swiss traditions are closely interwoven with the Swiss landscape, which can be divided into three major landscapes: the mountains of the Jura, the Central Plateau and the Alps. At 60 percent of the total area, the Alps occupy the largest part of the country. They are the highest mountain range in Europe with 48 mountains, each over 4000 metres high. The Alps shape the identity of the Swiss people and are not only of great historical and geopolitical importance, but also with regard to the economy, because most of the tourism takes place in the alpine regions. Even more mountains can be seen on the border with France. Here stretches the Jura, a mountain range about 300 km long. In summer as well as in winter you can experience an exciting, active time in the mountains of Switzerland. Skiing is possible almost any time of the year and after a hike through the breathtaking scenery of the Alps, you will wish your vacation would never end.

Four Countries United In One
Influenced by its neighbouring countries, Switzerland is divided into four different linguistic and cultural regions, which makes for great diversity. Switzerland borders Italy in the south and France in the west. Italian and French are therefore spoken in the bordering areas of Switzerland. The majority of the population speaks German, and a minority also speaks Romansh, a language spoken only in Switzerland or Italy. Most Swiss, however, do not speak High German, but Schwyzerdütsch. This does not refer to a language of its own, but to the multitude of German-speaking dialects in Switzerland. Some of the dialects differ so much that it is a challenge even for the Swiss to understand each other. Thus, Switzerland has four national languages – a multilingualism that is lived and makes it difficult to speak of a uniform Swiss culture. The different language regions also mean different cultural regions. The diversity of Switzerland is not only expressed in the language but in music, architecture, culinary, sports and crafts.
A Land Of Traditions And Customs
Yodeling, alphorn blowing and flag waving are well-preserved Swiss traditions and an integral part of their culture. The alphorn is the national musical instrument of Switzerland. In earlier times, shepherds used it to herd their cows or even to calm them down. Until today, the alphorn is an integral part of any traditional festival. At those festivities you will probably also here people yodeling, another musical phenomenon the Swiss are famous for. It’s a song without lyrics, with a frequent switch between chest and head or falsetto voice. There even are yodeling choirs, dressed in traditional costumes, often performing at mountain and village festivals.
Switzerland is also world-famous for its pocket knives and watches. The Swiss Army Knife is known and loved for its outstanding quality. 6 million pocket knives are produced annually in the Swiss and there are a variety of models, each in different sizes and equipped with different tools.
When in Switzerland, you can’t miss trying a Swiss cheese. There are more than 450 types of cheese in Switzerland and each region has its own type of cheese. The most popular Swiss cheese abroad is Emmentaler with its large holes. Cheese lovers should be sure to visit the farmer’s and cheesemonger’s stalls at the weekly market, where the cheese usually comes directly from the alp and is cut fresh from the loaf. A good Swiss cheese makes a fondue, a raclette or a cheese platter, a so-called “Zvieri-Plättli”, a culinary experience.
Fancy something sweet? Swiss chocolate is known worldwide as melt-in-the-mouth and aromatic. Be sure to visit one of the many chocolateries in Switzerland and experience a unique chocolate treat. If you want to bring someone from your home country a souvenir from your trip, the specialities made of chocolate are particularly suitable.

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